home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- ; ***************************************************
- ; **** ****
- ; **** RECONTROL V1.2 ****
- ; **** ****
- ; **** ****
- ; **** By: Orlando Budelacci ****
- ; **** Birmannsgasse 34 ****
- ; **** CH-4055 Basle ****
- ; **** Switzerland ****
- ; **** ****
- ; **** Source published in Zine issue #8 ****
- ; **** ****
- ; **** by BRAINSTORM! ****
- ; **** ****
- ; **** ****
- ; **** Written with AsmOne V1.0 ****
- ; **** ****
- ; **** ****
- ; **** as always... 100% pc-relative!!! ****
- ; **** (like every program should be!) ****
- ; **** ****
- ; **** ****
- ; **** Note: Don't start the program from the ****
- ; **** assembler! Write object file 'wo' ****
- ; **** and start it from the cli!!! ****
- ; **** ****
- ; ***************************************************
- Output = -60
- OpenLib = -408
- CloseLib = -414
- Write = -48
- lea parameter(pc),a3
- move.l a0,(a3)
- bne.s go
- lea optionflag(pc),a4
- move.b #1,(a4)
- go:
- move.l 4.w,a6
- lea dosname(pc),a1
- jsr OpenLib(a6)
- lea dosbase(pc),a3
- move.l d0,(a3)
- beq.w exit
- move.l dosbase(pc),a6
- jsr Output(a6)
- lea windowhandle(pc),a3
- move.l d0,(a3)
- beq.b exit
- lea optionflag(pc),a4
- tst.b (a4)
- beq.s ok
- lea infotext(pc),a1
- bsr.s print
- bra.s end
- ok:
- move.l parameter(pc),a0
- move.b (a0),d0
- bset #5,d0
- moveq #'o',d7
- cmp.b d7,d0
- bne.w error
- move.b 1(a0),d0
- bset #5,d0
- moveq #'n',d7
- cmp.b d7,d0
- bne.s test_off
- moveq #-1,d5
- bra.s do_it
- test_off:
- cmp.b #'f',d0
- bne.s error
- move.b 2(a0),d0
- bset #5,d0
- moveq #'f',d7
- cmp.b d7,d0
- bne.s error
- moveq #0,d5
- lea statustext(pc),a5
- moveq #'F',d7
- move.b d7,(a5)
- move.b d7,1(a5)
- do_it: lea text(pc),a1
- bsr.s print
- move.l 4.w,a6
- sub.l a1,a1
- jsr -294(a6)
- move.l d0,a0
- beq.s no_task_found
- move.l d5,184(a0) ;pr_windowptr
- end:
- move.l 4.w,a6
- move.l dosbase(pc),a1
- jsr CloseLib(a6)
- exit: moveq #0,d0
- rts
- no_task_found:
- lea notasktext(pc),a1
- bsr.s print
- bra.s end
- ; -------------------------------------------
- ; ---- SUBROUTINES ----
- ; -------------------------------------------
- ; *** Prints any ascii text in the current window ***
- ; *** Pointer to text must be in >>> a1 <<< ***
- ; *** Output handle must be stored in >>> windowhandle <<<<
- ; *** all registers saved and written back ***
- print:
- movem.l d0-d3/a1/a6,-(sp)
- move.l a1,d2 ;pointer to text
- moveq #0,d3 ;counter for chars
- Endsearch: ;end of text is $00
- tst.b (a1)+
- beq.s EndFound
- addq.l #1,d3
- dbf d1,endsearch
- Endfound:
- move.l windowhandle(pc),d1
- move.l dosbase(pc),a6
- jsr Write(a6)
- movem.l (sp)+,d0-d3/a1/a6
- rts
- Error:
- lea infotext(pc),a1
- bsr.s print
- bra.s end
- ; -------------------------------------------
- ; ---- DATA ----
- ; -------------------------------------------
- dosname: dc.b 'dos.library',0
- even
- parameter: dc.l 0
- windowhandle: dc.l 0
- dosbase: dc.l 0
- optionflag: dc.b 0
- ; -------------------------------------------
- ; ---- ASCII MESSAGES ----
- ; -------------------------------------------
- text:
- dc.b $9b,'1;33;40m'
- dc.b 'ReqControl V1.21 '
- dc.b $9b,'0;31;40m'
- dc.b '- by Orlando Budelacci, December 1990, Public domain. ',$a
- dc.b 'Status : O'
- statustext:
- dc.b 'N ',$a,0
- infotext:
- dc.b 'ReqControl disables the poping up of the windows '
- dc.b 'from the Cli-process',$a
- dc.b 'Usage: Reqcontrol [On] [Off]',$a,$a
- dc.b 'The source of this program was published in '
- dc.b $9b,'0;33;40m'
- dc.b 'ZINE #8 by BRAINSTORM.'
- dc.b $9b,'0;31;40m',$a,$a
- dc.b 'Written by: ',$a
- dc.b ' Orlando Budelacci',$a
- dc.b ' Birmannsgasse 34',$a
- dc.b ' CH-4055 Basle',$a,$a
- dc.b 0
- notasktext:
- dc.b 'HARD ERROR!!!',$a
- dc.b 'Task not found!!!',$a,$a
- dc.b 0